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Start by taking a break from your schedule  . Yoni Steaming is your sweet self care time .


The recommended duration for a Yoni steam is between 10 to 45 minutes depending on your Yoni’s needs and tolerance.

If you don’t have experience, start with a short practice to see how you react and build it up from there.


Yoni steaming normally requires certain organic plants -depending on the symptoms and needs .

  • Mugwort (all purpose)

  • Mint ( Increases moisture)

  • Rosemary (anti-bacterial and anti-microbial)

  • Basil (cleansing) 

  • Calendula (anti-inflammatory)



  • Lavender (anti-microbial)

  • Motherwort (cleansing, pain-relieving)

  • Oregano (antiseptic)




  1. Turn off your phone and make sure that you won’t be disturbed.

  2. Boil some water, turn the fire off and put your plants inside or pour it in the bowl containing your plants and cover with a lid. Do not boil the plants: it could burn their delicate active compounds.

  3. Gather all the elements you need and want: your SteaMe stool and pillow, your pot with the plants, wear a long skirt or a dress to keep the heat at the level of your yoni and womb, and whatever you need for your ritual.

  4. It's time to have a seat , the hot pot with the herbs under you , the heat penetrating your body and soul

  5. When it's time -the ritual by taking a time to lie down, put a hand on your belly and one on your heart, thank yourself for this moment that you take just for you

  6. When you feel ready and once the water has cooled down, you can offer it back to the Earth with the trust that She will continue to carry your intentions and make it grow.

גיל המעבר - "הכאב באגן נעלם, וגלי החום והשינויים במצב הרוח התמתנו"

יעל, 52, ראשל"צ


"הצמחים היו מדויקים להכנה לקראת הלידה [...] התינוקת החליקה לה בקלות וברכות לעולם הזה"

שירז, 38, ראש פינה

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